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Top 5 Recruitment Trend to look for in 2020

With 2020 in its peak stage and being hit by the most unexpected incident of the Corona virus, the job market is hugely impacted. However, this is still the year that will set the trend for the upcoming decade on various measures of employee selection and their preferences to work in the corporate sector. In this write-up, we discuss the points that will be taken into consideration despite the organizations' low employee intake.  

Work Culture: The utmost important 




In the poll conducted amid the CEO’s of top 200 most influential organizations one thing that stood forth was prioritizing the employees more than its stakeholders. Companies with better cultures tend to have a more satisfied clientele, attract a better talent as applicants, and perform better financially as well. In the former decade, much attention was paid to employee engagement in an organization but now is the time when employee experience will be considered.


The new trend of hiring the millennials will include the prominence of culture above the pay scale. An improved candidate experience that meets their expectations will be sought after by the recruiters during and after 2020.


The Glassdoor survey of millennials working in organizations has shown that though money remains a key motivating factor, still half of the respondent employees gave importance to work culture. Studies have proved that a strong company culture is a dominating factor for better employee performance, higher innovation, talent acquisition, sounder business results, customer satisfaction, and more. 


Candidates will find jobs through mobile phones


An advanced thinking HR manager will understand that the new wave of job seekers will come through the mobile device now. It may appear that the majority of millennials are opting mobiles for job search, but the reality is a bit different. There is a higher percentage that constitutes 55% from Gen X than Gen Z who choose mobiles for job surfing. 


And it’s not just the beginners who pick mobiles for job applications. Candidates with well-established careers also are in the league who use mobiles for jobs. The companies who seek to diversify their workforce will get candidates applying via mobile. A higher number of women at 52% are among the mobile job seekers and only 46% use desktops for job hunting. 


One of the most common methods of how candidates will come across jobs will be through smartphones. Social media channels such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, are examples of channelizing and directing the candidates. Not just all employers also check the social media activity of candidates before hiring. Job recruitment and seeking are seeing a new norm that is through mobile phones. Employers need to optimize and realize the power of mobile job search and use experience for hiring a diverse talent pool.


Hiring made easy; the AI way   


2020 is turning out to be a crucial year for artificial intelligence-related employee processes. AI, whose future was considered uncertain, has turned out to be an affordable and easy to use HR application. 

5 Recruiting Trends


With the use of technology, the hiring and searching of genuine, talented employees will be faster. AI will cater to larger employee requirements, thus evolving and upgrading the process of recruiting. The few benefits of using AI technology are:-


  1. It will improve the quality and lower the hiring cost. 
  2. A big advantage of using AI for hiring will be that the decision made for selecting will be unbiased within less time. 
  3. With features such as email automation and applicant tracking system, recruiting the right candidate will become more efficient.


Forming a cultural mix and diversity for good results 


Diversity and inclusion are essentials to keep in mind while hiring. A study by McKinsey and Company shows that an organization with more than 35% diversity are expected to have greater financial returns. Glassdoor inclusion and diversity study suggests that with a more diverse workforce that constitutes gender norms, races, and sexual orientations, the remedy to a problem such as making a digital impact will see a rise. 


During the first phase of recruitment in the new decade, employers will consider diversity and inclusion to engage employees as it has a greater investment return. While recruiting a new workforce, HR managers should keep these factors intact. 


  • An unbiased role description when putting up the advertisement for a position. 
  • Practicing a fair approach during the interview of employees.
  • HR managers should control their personal biases during the hiring process
  • How can they mould the organization to welcome the D&I workforce?


Balancing skills and technology for candidate selection  


This decade will bring a lot of responsibility for future recruiters. They have to balance the art of using technology and their own skills to sort candidates who benefit the organization in many ways. The selection should be such which determines the soft skills and leadership. Knowledge of subject matter, along with the technical knowledge, will matter for a better company output. Now is the time when recruiters have to deliver outcomes designed for impactful methods than ever.